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Pritchard Lamb Teat

Pritchard Lamb Teat

Regular price $5.25 AUD
Regular price Sale price $5.25 AUD
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PRITCHARD LAMB TEAT• This is the original Pritchard Teat (top quality)• Made from soft latex rubber with a built in flutter valve ball bearing system (which allows air into the bottle as the lambs are sucking)• Ideal for new born lambs, kids or other small animals• Includes a sturdy cap that screws onto PET bottles (such as soft drink bottles)Established in 1922, Bainbridge is a 100% Australian owned and operated brand supplying a very wide range of pet, poultry, hobby farm and hardware products. PETstock is proud to support this iconic family owned and operated Australian brand in its mission to serve pet and land owners throughout metro and country Australia.
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